EurA1c trial

The mission of the IFCC-EUBD is education on the use of biomarkers in diabetes, especially on improving quality of the assay of HbA1c. External Quality Assessment (Proficiency Testing) is a powerful tool to monitor the quality of tests in the medical laboratory. The EurA1c trial, organized yearly, investigates the performance of HbA1c assays across countries and manufacturers. EQA organisers of different countries use the same two samples either in their regular EQA program or stand-alone. Results of all countries are evaluated and presented in terms of performances per country and per manufacturer. The trial has Eurocentric roots but in the meantime also non-European countries are participating.


The EurA1c Trial Group. EurA1c: the European HbA1c Trial to Investigate the Performance of HbA1c Assays in 2166 Laboratories across 17 Countries and 24 Manufacturers by Use of the IFCC Model for Quality Targets.
Clin Chem 2018; 64:8: 1183-1192

> 2023 EurA1c report
> 2022_EurA1c_report
> 2021 EurA1c report
> 2020 EurA1c_report
> 2019_EurAAA1c_report
> 2018_EurA1c_report
> 2017_EurA1c_report
> 2016_EurA1c_report