Education IFCC C-EUBD

The network is supervised by the IFCC Committee on Traceability in Laboratory medicine (C-TLM) and the Committee on Education in the Use of Biomarkers in Diabetes (C-EUBD).

Chair of C-EUBD is Dr. Emma English (

Below are the members of the committee.
Name Position Country Term Time in Office
E. English Chair UK 1st 2021 04 - 2023 12
E. van der Hagen Member NL 1st 2022 01 - 2024 12
A. Sato Member JP 2nd 2022 01 - 2024 12
J. Skrha Member CZ 1st 2022 01 - 2024 12
E. Kilpatrick Member UK 1st 2022 05 - 2024 12
D. Sacks Consultant US    
E. Lenters-Westra Consultant NL    
C. Siebelder Consultant NL    

For Terms of reference see c-eubd